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FAST and the Future of Streaming Monetization


FAST (free ad-supported television) is on the rise, 但内容分销商如何在这种竞争激烈的环境中茁壮成长呢? Digital has a tough position to defend in the advertising world. 它的竞争对手是广播(大型且成熟的广告购买平台)和社交(大型且固执己见/目标受众)。. 内幕情报 估计, TikTok’s ad business will reach $11.64 billion this year, up 200% from last year. By 2024, TikTok’s ad revenue should reach 23.8 billion, getting very close to YouTube的. How does this relate to FAST?

Advertisers want to reach a passionate, engaged audience. There are a number of streaming services that target specific, niche audi­ences (even though those niches are sometimes huge). 他们的观众寻找与他们的共同兴趣产生共鸣的内容. Revry 是其中最令人印象深刻的一个,专门为LGBTQ+提供信息和娱乐节目.

平台 Roku, IMDB, Tubi sell 100% of Revry’s ad spots in exchange for a revenue share. “We see it as licensing our channel, we’re getting a split of that revenue that they’re selling,” says Damian Pelliccione, Revry’s CEO and co-founder. “We do really well with the Roku channel. 尽管他们代表了所有的库存,但我们每个季度都能从他们那里得到一大笔钱.”

Revry的好处在于,它拥有广告商渴望的受众,而这些受众在许多其他媒体上可能无法接触到. This isn’t content geared to social media, but rather to engaged viewers with a variety of interests and, most compelling to advertisers, 可支配收入.


Revry doesn’t provide viewing stats. Pellic-cione说,这是因为它的经销商不想公开分享数字, so that’s a negative in the company’s ledger. 从积极的方面来看,它的每CPM收益为35 - 50美元,这是非常可观的.

Around 90% of Revry content views are on other companies’ FAST channels, 10% are on their owned and operated channels. 这意味着Revry可以更多地专注于内容分发,而不是技术开发. Considering the cost of software developers, this is a good thing.

As a distribution company, Revry needs to be focused on data. “I think the problem is with a lot of these aggregators, there’s no standardization,Pelliccione说. 它们共享基本的高级数据,包括观看的内容和用户观看的时间. “From a channel provider standpoint, it’s never enough. We’re always looking for more data, because the more data points that we get, the better we can super serve our audience.”

‘Contributing to Our Economy'

Revry tries to sell as much of its ad inventory as possible. “我们将营销策略从社交和搜索引擎优化转移到我们拥有渠道和应用的环境中. We’ve seen a really good spike in return from that,Pelliccione说.

购买自己的广告库存,然后转售,为Revry提供了用户数据, 因为现在它被认为是一个客户端,而不仅仅是一个通道提供者. “I’m contributing to our own economy,Pelliccione说.

开发一个品牌工作室来制作LGBTQ+广告将提供额外的收入来源, plus allow more control than Revry gets from FAST distributors. 帮助创造真正与《百家乐软件》观众产生共鸣的营销能力可以做几件事. 首先,Revry将与针对其观众的品牌或代理商建立更牢固的关系. 下一个, 它将从制作这类品牌内容和广告中获得可观的费用. And, finally, it never hurts to have friends in high places. As Revry becomes the central location for reaching LGBTQ+ audiences, 这项服务本质上是在开拓一个利基市场,这个市场比它目前获得的收入分成更有价值.

“现在,雷克萨斯每年制作两到三个针对我们社区的广告,Pelliccione说. “They had Mj Rodriguez last year in their Lexus ad for Q1 and Q2.” Putting well-known LGBTQ+ actors into ads sounds like a no-brainer. However, this likely isn’t the strong point for many brands.

One big advertising market is healthcare. “有像吉利德这样的公司生产艾滋病药物,”Pelliccione说. 去年,它试图瞄准非洲裔美国人和西班牙裔同性恋者. “他们正在寻找机会创造内容,以便在我们自己的社区中瞄准这两个垂直领域.”

现在, take this approach and magnify it over and over again, since the LGBTQ+ community is going to buy any number of things. 拥有一个创意工作室来帮助品牌定位内容将提供另一种收入来源, 这将使Revry既能专注于服务观众,又能经营盈利的自媒体业务.

If FAST distributors don’t provide the data Revry needs, 公司是时候审视一下自己的资产,看看其他机会是如何形成的. The fact that in a few short years, 抖音主导了社交广告支出,这意味着广告商和消费者正在寻找不同的东西. Revry has an interesting and valuable market, 它应该能够将其转化为一个更有利可图的媒体业务. Revry, other streaming services like it, should think of FAST as a stepping stone and not a destination.

for qualified subscribers
现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

The New Advertising-Industrial Complex

Strategically, streaming delivery needs more advertisers. Advertising is a necessary part of the media business model, 但由于不够灵活,无法吸引更多的广告,也无法像有线电视和广播电视那样销售数字电视, digital services are shooting themselves in the foot.

派拉蒙广告运营高级副总裁Jarred Wilichinsky谈论广告技术堆栈和策略

无情的广告技术世界意味着任何错误都可能导致数百万美元的损失. Ad tech is the key to a successful AVOD/FAST monetization strategy, 但是有太多的活动部分,要把它做好是一个挑战. Wilichinsky provides practical insight into what works, 什么不, how ad-supported delivery compares to subscription offerings.

Streaming Numbers in the 新闻

Targeting streaming viewers is becoming harder. 如今,服务提供商关注的是了解用户会购买什么,而不是他们的个人信息. Here's a roundup of a few recently published reports.


Revry首席执行官 & 联合创始人Damian Pelliccione简要介绍了Revry作为领先的OTT垂直利基市场和全球最大的LGBTQ+内容聚合和分销商的演变和成长历程, 从一开始的订阅服务发展到主要靠广告支持的混合服务——与智能电视领域的主要合作伙伴以及麦当劳等全球品牌合作.

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Revry Takes the "Tribrid" Approach with its LGBTQ OTT Network

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